Parents of Brightwell School work hard to organise social events for families and children and also to raise money for the school.
In 2019-20 we raised funds towards the purchase of laptops for all the children to use.
These were purchased and proved vital during the COVID-19 closure.
How can you support us?
How does the school community benefit?
Brightwell Bears for all children
£1000 donation to the school for outdoor/play equipment.
Spooky Disco
George’s Marvellous Medicine Theatre Trip.
Christmas Fair
Easter Egg Hunt.
Leavers hoodies arranged and bought for our Year 6 leavers.
Contribution towards "Atomic Science", enrichment experience for all children in STEM week
Support the Village Fete with Ice Cream Sales
Purchasing of laptops
Mother's Day Tea and Father's Day Breakfast
Coffee and Pastry morning for new parents
Wallingford Carnival
Second hand uniform sales
Movie Nights
After school Ice cream and ice lolly sales
We are currently working with Ms Potts to ensure that the good work of FOBS continues to support the school and provide fun events for the children. If you have any suggestions/questions please let us know
As always, FOBS relies on your support so please do contact us on the email address above should you be able to offer any time, effort or inspiration!