Why wear a uniform?
School uniform gives our school an identity and increases a sense of pride and a feeling of belonging both within school and when out in the wider community. By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes.
Parent’s role
We are very proud of our children and make every effort to ensure that they are smart, well presented and take pride in themselves. We expect parents and staff to help us to maintain this high standard.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with a stitched-on nametag or indelible pen to avoid any lost property.
There is no obligation to purchase school logo uniform. Many high street shops & supermarkets sell suitable clothing. However, should you wish to purchase school merchandise, all Brightwell branded school wear can be purchased from our official supplier Trutex.
To order uniform items, please visit: https://myschoolwear.co.uk/
What if I cannot afford the uniform, or I wish to consider sustainability?
The school office keeps a supply of good quality, second hand uniform so do please get in touch with us if you would like to access any uniform.
Variations on the policy
The school will consider carefully reasonable requests to vary the policy, to meet the needs of any individual pupil to accommodate their religion or belief, ethnicity, disability or other special considerations. Parents must put requests in writing to the Headteacher.
Our main school uniform consists of:
- Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan*
- White polo shirt
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers
- Dark socks or tights
- Blue and white checked dress in the summer with white socks
- Shoes (black)
- Royal blue school fleece (optional)*
- Royal blue school waterproof coat (optional)
All children are required to wear sensible black shoes to school and should be of a style that children can manage by themselves. Please note that trainers, boots, crocs, flip flops and open sandals are not allowed.
Our P.E uniform consists of:
- Blue school T-shirt*
- Navy shorts
- White socks
- Trainers suitable for indoor PE
- Trainers for outdoor PE
- Navy blue tracksuit or jogging bottoms and sweatshirt for outdoor PE
- Plain swimming trunks or swimsuit, cap and towel - (KS2 children only)
- School PE bag (optional)*
Children should come in to school wearing their PE kit on the days which they have PE.
Items from the lists above that are marked * can be bought directly from our uniform supplier:
14 Cockcroft Road
Didcot OX11 8LL
Telephone: 01235 211011
Web: https://myschoolwear.co.uk/